Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Field Experience

Field Experience!

         For my required field experience I chose to observe the librarian at the school I teach at. I was excited to do so because she was in the middle of her Native American unit and was preparing her 2nd and 3rd grade students for a showcase. She is responsible for teaching drama. The music teacher (me) collaborated with the librarian with the Native American/Colonial unit and prepared a performance right before the Thanksgiving holiday. In the classes I observed the librarian discussed the elements of drama and had the students prepare a short dramatic work to perform during the showcase.
        There are three 3rd grade classes. Each class represented a different Native American region: Eastern woodlands, Northwest/Southwest, and the Plains. The librarian taught the students about Native American storytelling and the importance of it. A group of students acted as narrators while other students acted out the action of the story. I was able to observe all three 3rd grade classes.
        The 2nd grade classes were divided into four different countries. During the performance each class told the audience what their country brought to America. The librarian focused on fairy tales  with the 2nd graders and found fairy tales that originated from each of the four countries represented in the showcase. Each class put on a mini drama using their fairytale. I was able to observe a class that represented England. Their fairytale was Jack and the Beanstalk. I also observed a class that represented France and performed the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty. It was fun watching these stories come to life! Observing the librarian use literature to teach drama inspired me to use more literature in my music classroom!    

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